Monday, March 23, 2009

Hadley's cabin-now with rock walkway

My boss gave us this Little Tykes molded plastic cabin before Hadley was born. His kids had outgrown it and I thought, well, even is our baby doesn't want to camp out in the back yard in "that plastic box" that at least it filled the back corner under the big pine trees and added some interest for our other friend's kids. Well, no worries from here. Hadley LOVES it! She continually asks to go "outshh, outshhh" so she can run around the yard and play in her cabin. She loves opening the doors and then closing them. Peaking in and out and grabbing rocks and sticsk that are the floor. Tonight it took me some bribing of blueberries and an earfull of ear-wax unlodging shrieks to get her to go inside. We are counting down the days to when she asks if she and her "friends" can camp out in it overnight. Yeah right!

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