Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Calling all Dads: How do you Parent? Win a $15 iTunes gift card.

As I was brainstorming about what I want to use this site for, something occurred to me - How do guys parent?

I see it in my every day life with my wife. We both parent differently. The styles are different yet they both work. Women have natural gifts in child rearing and men, well we come a long for the ride. I feel like my wife is so much more advanced than I am in the way we handle situations. She seems "obvious" about what she does and does it with ease.

Me, on the other hand, well, I stumble, and forget and struggle. I love it, don't get me wrong, but I would love to hear other Dad's approaches, struggles, frustrations, suggestions, and practices.

Let me know by commenting either anonymously or sign-in. I would appreciate honesty and please leave your name and state just so we can post these with some authority.

Thanks for your input and participation

Please leave your post/comments by Tuesday, Sept. 15th to be entered to win the $15 iTunes gift card. I will pick randomly from the entries and post the winner on Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 5PM Mnt.

1 comment:

dude said...

I parent with lots of prayer. I'm a father of seven, yep, seven! I have five boys and two girls and it's challenge for sure. I've learn to study my kids, pick up their "language" and what makes them tick (and ticked off). My wife and I are on the same page most of the time and we talk...alot about raising our small nation. It is great to be a dad! God Bless dude!
