Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Favorite Baby Books

Yes, I am still here. Yes we are all fine. I am sorry for not posting in A LONG time.
A catch-up post is due but for now since my wife has just posted her favorite baby books, I thought I would do the same.
Please see her post for more recommendations.

As with Hadley, I have many favorite books to read to her each night.
I think partly my favorites are her favorites because I see how positively she reacts to these.
I love that for the past two months or so she has been turning the pages herself. She actually gets upset when she is not allowed to do this, so, she gets to turn every page, every time, and I support this.

I have to agree that Christy has chosen many of my favorites as well, the following four books are my primo favs.

Jumpy Jack and Googily

Blue Hat Green Hat


Only One You


painterjoy said...

Oh, I forgot about your daddy blog. Looks awesome. Thank you for the book reviews. I have a feeling
I will be spending a crapload of money. Fun!

K*Funk said...

I think Madison will like "Doggies" -- one of her favorite things in the world is going to the park and letting the doggies come up to her stroller and jump up and lick her feet. Even better is when someone lets her give their dog a treat! She loves the "bark" sound too. Too bad we are a kitty-only household! No budging!!!